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How to Contribute

When contributing to this repository, please first discuss the change you wish to make via submitting an issue with the owners of this repository before making a change. Fixing typos or rephrasing for better understanding DO NOT require discussion.

Branching Model

This repository holds two main branches with an infinite lifetime:

  • master is the default branch which always reflects the latest release.
  • develop is the main branch reflecting the latest delivered changes for the next release. When the develop branch reaches a stable point and is ready to be released, then all changes should be merged back into master.

A variety of supporting branches are used to aid parallel development. These branches have a limited lifespan, since they will be removed eventually.


Contributions to this repository are welcome. For ease of managing, please follow the steps below:

  1. Fork this repository to your account.

  2. Clone your copy of this repository, locally.

    git clone

  3. Create a new branch based on develop (e.g., fix/foreword-section).

    git checkout develop && git checkout -b fix/foreword-section

  4. Apply your changes.

    Please, always follow our style conventions.

    Although there's an .editorconfig file on repository's root, your editor may not support it. To learn more about EditorConfig and text editors/IDEs support, check the website: You can preview your changes, rendering the web site locally.

  5. Commit your changes.

    1. Check modified files and add only required ones (e.g., build artifacts SHOULD NOT be tracked).
    2. The first line of the commit message should provide a brief description of your changes. You can go into more details on the optional commit message body.
  6. Push changes to your public repository.

    git push origin fix/foreword-section

  7. Open a Pull Request from your fix/foreword-section to the upstream repository develop branch.

Rendering the Web Site Locally

The web site is built using Material for MkDocs and several plugin. Although you can manually install everything, we've bundled everything into a Docker image that you can use to render the web site locally:

docker compose up