OWASP Chapters All Day

Thursday, June 4, 2020
Join 24 chapters around the globe for a 24 hour long back-to-back virtual chapter meetup. The entire event will be livestreamed on YouTube from 16 countries. The schedule of those talks is available here.
The OWASP Leaders List is a mailing list populated by either Chapter or Project Leaders or folks who previously held those positions. The mailing list is a busy place and ideas flow there regularly - because the folks on that list are good folks with great ideas.
Sometimes an idea hits the list that requires real work to happen and this initiative was one of those fortunately there were plenty of volunteers to step up and make it happen.
Six organisers from six different countries stepped forward and together with 24 chapters across the globe arranged for this 24 hour long back-to-back virtual chapter meet-up. Speakers from all across the globe representing 16 different countries will present for more than 25 hours in total. The schedule of those talks is available here.
Organisers from six different countries stepped forward to make this 24hr event a reality.
Everything will be live streamed out to YouTube and will be preserved there and available to watch after the fact but we hope that you will join us live for the event for as long as you’d like to. Find your local OWASP Chapter here and connect through them or jump straight into the live stream as we kick off on Saturday 6th 2020 at 12:00 PM UTC.