Corporate Supporter
Our Corporate Supporters play a vital role in supporting the foundation’s mission. Their generous financial contributions help OWASP continue its mission to improve software security.
Corporate Supporters can show their support for our mission and programs, reaching an audience of over 500,000 participants on social media, millions of monthly site visits, and optionally providing member benefits to thousands of OWASP financial members.
Support OWASP today!
Your support is critical to the success of OWASP. There are many ways to support the foundation:
- Become a Corporate Supporter
- Sponsor OWASP Global AppSec and participating AppSec Days events
- Make a charitable gift
Quick Links:
- Packages and prices
- Benefits
- Thank you to all our Corporate Supporters and Event Exhibitors/Sponsors!
- Make a charitable gift
Why Become an OWASP Corporate Supporter
Corporate Supporter funds collected directly support OWASP’s mission, helping to fund scholarships, our Projects, Chapters, and more! Funds provided by Corporate Supporters assist Projects with hiring graphical designers, user experience experts, contract development, document writers, and other hourly support personnel, as well as providing project-related pamphlets, brochures, stickers, and similar project-identifying material. They contribute to our Chapters, allowing them to secure venue space for Chapter meetings, promotional material to help promote the OWASP mission, assist in travel expenses for incoming speakers/presenters, etc.
Many of our most well-known organizations have grown their business dramatically by being an OWASP Corporate Supporter and partnering with us. Our updated Corporate Supporter packages provide you the opportunity to get involved with the OWASP community.
The Open Worldwide Application Security Project (OWASP) is a nonprofit foundation that works to improve software security. Our programming includes:
- Community-led open-source software Projects
- Hundreds of local Chapters worldwide
- Tens of thousands of participants, thousands of financial members
- Industry-leading educational and training conferences
Corporate support accelerates our impact. Become a Corporate Supporter today.
We are an open community dedicated to enabling organizations to conceive, develop, acquire, operate, and maintain applications that individuals and organizations can trust. Our projects, tools, documents, groups, and chapters are free and open to anyone interested in improving application security. For over two decades, corporations, foundations, developers, and volunteers have supported the OWASP Foundation and its work.
Supporting the Foundation
There are many ways to participate and support the mission of OWASP.
- Employees can participate in our Projects and Local Chapters