Shaping the Future of OWASP

Thursday, July 23, 2020
Unlike many other groups in the software and security sector, it is important to us that our organization is shaped by our community. This of course is evident in our volunteer led Chapters and Projects along with a member-elected Board of Directors and now down to our everyday business policies. In what is planned as an annual effort, the OWASP Foundation is looking for Members to help us update our Corporate Policies. We have identified and have developed 16 core policy domains for our operations.
Over the next eight weeks we will be sending Members links to a list of policies for their comment. The comment period for each policy is open for 21 days. Each policy will include a unique email address/link to send comments. While these policies are openly available on Github, we will not accept comments provided via Github issues or pull requests.
Following the Comment Period, the Policy Review Team will review all comments, report out resolution of all comments, and then approve a policy for final Global Board approval. The complete details on the process can be found Community Review Process. The schedule and project plan for each policy can be found at Policy Review Project Plan
Obviously Members are under no obligation to participate in this review. But unlike many other groups in the software and security sector, it is important to us that our policies are shaped by our community. Thank you for your ongoing support of the OWASP Foundation.