OWASP Call for Trainers is Open for Global AppSec 2021 with Focus on Fresh Ideas

Friday, July 2, 2021
The OWASP Foundation launched its’ Call for Trainers (CfT) on July 1st for this year’s coming Global AppSec US 2021 Virtual conference.
OWASP Trainings are historically held in conjunction with Global AppSec events ahead of conference days. This year, due to the recovery of the COVID19 pandemic, the Foundation will host the event virtually once again and is exploring options for the Training Courses to be virtual with a possible hybrid offering.
The biggest focus on this year’s CfT however, is on new, fresh content. A high focus of submission review will be if the content has ever been offered before. Having offered numerous virtual training courses throughout the past 16 months and entering into its 20th anniversary year, the foundation has an eye on the future and bringing those learnings and insights to the forefront of its educational offerings. The event is a renewal of fresh ideas as we look to transition from the restrictions of the pandemic years, bring the return of face-to-face events, and focus on the future ahead for the industry.
As the foundation events team is exploring the possibility of including a hybrid learning option, the CfT does have some fluidity to the submission process and schedule.
Call for Training will be open July 1-30. Training dates will surround the Global AppSec US 2021 Virtual event dates (Nov.11-12) however the exact dates of the trainings are still to be finalized. As the foundation explores if there is a demand for hybrid offering, locates space, and understands comfortability of trainers, a final schedule and format (hybrid, virtual, or both) will be determined and announced formally.
Do you have fresh, new content you’d like considered for our Training Courses at Global AppSec US 2021 Virtual event? Please consider submitting your courses for review today. Deadline to submit is July 30, 2021. More specific details surrounding training dates and format offerings can also be found within the submission overview and forms.