OWASP Aarhus

The Aarhus local chapter aims to organise quarterly events to promote OWASP and information security in general.

Speaking at OWASP Aarhus Chapter Events

Call For Speakers is open - if you would like to present a talk at future OWASP Aarhus Chapter events - please review and agree with the OWASP Speaker Agreement and send the proposed talk title, abstract and speaker bio to any of the Chapter Leaders via e-mail:

dennis.perto (at) owasp.org

thomas.kristensen (at) owasp.org

bjarke.pedersen (at) owasp.org

Upcoming meeting

Please see https://www.meetup.com/OWASP-Aarhus-Chapter/events/ for more events or if no events are shown!


A special thank you for all of our supporters!


Erhvervsakademi Aarhus

Upcoming meetings

Everyone is welcome to join us at our chapter meetings.


Month 1, 2022


Street 1

0000 City

Google Maps


Pre agenda:

  • 17h00 - 18h45: Possible workshop
  • 18h45 - 19h00: Break

Workshop description.

The agenda:

  • 19h00 - 19h15: Welcome
  • 19h15 - 20h00: First talk
  • 20h00 - 20h45: Snack break
  • 20h45 - 21h30: Second talk
  • 21h30 - 22h00: Socialising

Past Events

Past events can be found at out Meetup page for the Aarhus Chapter. Meetup Past Events