OWASP Berlin


Welcome to OWASP Berlin Chapter, a regional city chapter within OWASP Germany. Our Chapter serves central Germany particular within the Berlin region as a platform to discuss and share topics all around information and application security.

Anyone with an interested and enthusiastic about application security is welcome. All meetings are free and open. You do not have to be an OWASP member.

Referrals to this website or to individual meetings to colleagues or acquaintances are welcome.

Upcoming Events

Check out our Upcoming Events

What’s going to happen?

To be announced via our OWASP Berlin Chapter Meetup Group. We usually have a key note and 1-2 (lightning) talks that related to information and application security.

Further Notes

Anyone with an interest in our topics is welcome. All meetings are free and open. You do not have to be an OWASP member to attend. Referrals to this website or to individual meetings to colleagues or acquaintances are welcome.

Information about Berlin Chapter Events


We will be running a Chapter Meetup every 2-3 months with the option to have additional events such as hands-on workshops.


We do run a mix of in-person and virtual meetups. All our upcoming events are announced on Meetup: [Meetup](http://www.meetup.com/OWASP-Berlin.


Call for Speakers and Volunteers

We are looking for presentations for the next OWASP Berlin Chapter Events! If you’d like to give a presentation, conduct a training workshop or volunteer for us, contact us the OWASP Berlin Chapter organisation .


Please note that vendor pitches are not allowed, so please adhere to the OWASP Speaker Agreement and avoid marketing stunts. Also please ensure to remove your company logos from all but one “marketing” slide.


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