OWASP Cotonou
OWASP Cotonou
Welcome to the Cotonou chapter homepage. The chapter board is Emery Assogba, Enselme Aguidigodo, Orace Kpakpo and Abousidikou Odjo.
OWASP-Cotonou Chapter aims
Benin is located in West Africa between Nigeria and Togo. At one time, in Benin, computer security was just a matter of science fiction, but in recent years there has been a craze for information system security issues through the creation of government agencies whose objective is to address security issues. In addition, universities that previously did not train security experts have begun to do so. E-services are deployed in publics and private administrations in all around the country. The OWASP-Cotonou chapter aims to contribute to the awareness of software security issues in Benin through activities offered by the OWASP foundation.
Specifically, the enormous resources made available by the OWASP community around the world constitute an opportunity for public authorities, decision-makers, new graduates in terms of training, good practices and networking. Our mission and main priority is to use these resources to create cybersecurity awareness in Cotonou and Benin in general.
The Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) is a nonprofit foundation that works to improve software security. All of our projects, tools, documents, forums, and chapters are free and open to anyone interested in improving application security. OWASP is hundreds of chapters around the world, tens of thousands of members for the improvement of software security through open source projects supported by the community. Thousands of local and global conferences are organized all over the world.
Chapters are led by local leaders in accordance with the Chapter Policy. Financial contributions should only be made online using the authorized online donation button Donate. To be a SPEAKER at ANY OWASP Chapter, simply review the Speaker Agreement and then contact the locals Chapter Leader with details of the OWASP project, independent research, or related software security topic you would like to present.
Owasp meeting is a meeting organized by the owasp chapter using a speaker to discuss various aspects of computer security. In a friendly and fun setting, discussions are held by professionals on relevant and complex topics for the purpose of learning and technology watch. These meetings can be face-to-face or online.
These meetings are part of the OWASP activities; they are open to the public, and you do not need to be a member to attend. These meetings are free of charge. To participate, simply visit our Meetup page.
Please consider joining OWASP if you find our community, projects and meetings useful, or if you sponsor this chapter.
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Next Meeting/Event(s)
Our Chapter meetings are held several times a year, which could be at a physical location or online.
For more details on our future events please visit our meetup group:
A speaker is an expert designated to make a presentation at owasp meetings. If you would like to present an application security talk at future Cotonou Chapter events, please read and accept the speaker agreement of OWASP and send the title, abstract and biography of the proposed speakers to the chapter leaders via Emery Kouassi Assogba
The OWASP-Cotonou chapter hold its firth meeting on “IT security awareness” which taken place on July, 25 2024 in Cotonou, in the grounds of IFRI.
The meeting highlighted the importance of IT security awareness within organizations and society at large, addressing topics such as social engineering, security training, awareness of the importance of security, digital hygiene.
- Adonis HOMEVO, Cybersecurity Analyst
The OWASP-Cotonou chapter would like to thank everyone and especially IFRI, ASIN BENIN, APDP BENIN, EMES, for their support during the organization of this meeting. Once again, a very big thanks to you.
Owasp Cotonou organized in partnership with ASIN Benin, a training workshop for IT professionals on the theme: “awareness of IT security” 24 IT security professionals and stakeholders took part in this training workshop.
- Ismène DEGUENONVO, Cybersecurity Analyst at ASIN
- Débora CODJIA, Cybersecurity Analyst at ASIN

The OWASP-Cotonou chapter would like to thank everyone and especially ASIN BENIN for their support during the organization of this meeting. Once again, a very big thanks to you.
The OWASP-Cotonou chapter held its fourth meeting on “The job of the IT auditor: Challenges and Opportunities” which took place on October,19 2023 in Cotonou, in the grounds of APDP BENIN and was a great success; thanks to you all.
The main topic of the meeting was the challenges and opportunities of the IT auditor. The speakers addressed topics related to the topic and it was also an opportunity to discover the opportunities offered by the OWASP community to its active members.
- Dr Emery ASSOGBA, Doctor in engineering science, computer networks option. PhD, Certified Ethical Hacker, exposes Auditing norms and standards for the IT function within an organization: Practical values
- Dr Evariste SONGBE, accounting expert, exposes The importance of auditing in the life of an organization: Lessons learned.
- Cybersecurity: OWASP trains in application security.
The OWASP-Cotonou chapter would like to thank everyone and especially APDP BENIN, EMES, ASIN BENIN for their support during the organization of this meeting. Once again, a very big thanks to you.
JINF-CTF was a free computer security problem solving competition organized the last 10/02/2023 by EMES Sarl for computer science students in Benin on the occasion of the computer science day organized by IFRI. It was an opportunity to introduce some web vulnerabilities such as IDOR and XXE
- Ing Célia Kassa, Network Engineer, exposes Insecure Direct Object Reference(IDOR)
- Ing Orace Kpakpo, Network Engineer, exposes XML External Entity(XXE)
The OWASP-Cotonou chapter would like to thank everyone and especially IFRI,EMES for their support during the organization of this event. Once again, a very big thanks to you.
The OWASP-Cotonou chapter held its third meeting on “Web applications: improving or endangering the lives of users?” which took place on April 20, 2023 in Cotonou, in the grounds of PIGIER BENIN and was a great success.
The main topic of the meeting was impact of web applications on end user. The speakers addressed topics related to the topic. It was an opportunity to discover the opportunities offered by the OWASP community to its active members.
- Orace KPAKPO, Networks and Systems Engineer, Cybersecurity Analyst at EMES SARL, leader of the OWASP Cotonou chapter, exposes Impacts of digitalization on Internet users
- Victor OYETOLA, ICT Expert, head of SPTIC at UAC, exposes Digitization and security in Benin
The OWASP-Cotonou chapter would like to thank everyone and especially PIGIER-BENIN, EMES for their support during the organization of this meeting. Once again, a very big thanks to you.
JINF-CTF was a free computer security problem solving competition organized the last 10/02/2023 by EMES Sarl for computer science students in Benin on the occasion of the computer science day organized by IFRI. It was an opportunity to introduce some web vulnerabilities such as IDOR and XXE
- Ing Célia Kassa, Network Engineer, exposes Insecure Direct Object Reference(IDOR)
- Ing Orace Kpakpo, Network Engineer, exposes XML External Entity(XXE)
The OWASP-Cotonou chapter would like to thank everyone and especially IFRI,EMES for their support during the organization of this event. Once again, a very big thanks to you.
The OWASP-Cotonou chapter held its second meeting on “Personal data protection:challenges and opportunities” which took place on December 01, 2022 in Cotonou, Gbégamey in the grounds of APDP and was a great success.
The main topic of the meeting was challenges and opportunities of personal data protection. The speakers addressed topics related to the challenges of data protection within the company and the constraints imposed by the regulator. It was an opportunity to discover the opportunities offered by the OWASP community to its active members.
- Dr Arnaud Ahouandjinou Head of the IS Department of IFRI/UAC, exposes Protection of personal data within African companies: opportunities and challenges
- Dr Lionel Metongnon expert in IoT security, exposes Tokenization as a personal data protection measure
- Dr Emery ASSOGBA, Doctor in engineering science, computer networks option. PhD, Certified Ethical Hacker, introduce OWASP Foundation and OWASP-Cotonou
Here is the recorded meeting
The OWASP-Cotonou chapter would like to thank everyone and especially APDP,EMES for their support during the organization of this meeting. Once again, a very big thanks to you.
The OWASP-Cotonou chapter held its first meeting on “Tools and best practices for securing information systems in Benin” which took place on July 07, 2022 in Cotonou, Gbégamey in the grounds of ENEAM and was a great success.
- Mr Orace KPAKPO , Expert in computer networks, Expert in eBPF technology and leader of the OWASP-Cotonou chapter introduce OWASP Foundation, here is the presentation in video
- Mrs KASSA Célia, Expert in computer network performance analysis introduce OWASP-Cotonou chapter, here is the presentation in video
- Mr Caleb K. Sambienou, Engineer in Information Systems and Computer Networks, JAVA Backend Developer (Spring Boot), Front-end Developer (Angular), Consultant, exposes Personal data: Security issue for companies and individuals, here is the presentation in video
- Mr Emery ASSOGBA, Doctor in engineering science, computer networks option. PhD, Certified Ethical Hacker, exposes Security improvement of E-services with owasp web security testing Guide, here is the presentation in video
The OWASP-Cotonou chapter would like to thank everyone and especially its donors (EMES, ENEAM) and his guests APDP & ANSSI for their support during the organization of its first meeting. Once again, a very big thanks to you.