OWASP Netherlands
Main Supporters Upcoming Events Past Events Resources
Date | Name | Presentation Link |
November 28 2024 | BeNeLux Days 2024 - Conference |
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April 18 2024 | API Security: OWASP API Top 10 Unlocked by Erez Yalon and Paulo Silva |
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OWASP Security Champions Guide by Cheyenne Seur |
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How (not) to use secrets with OWASP WrongSecrets by Ben de Haan |
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March 21 2024 | How to get Dev(Ops) teams to start adopting DevSecOps by Sebastiaan Rijnbout |
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Cracking the API: Challenges in IoT and Modern Applications by Yianna Paris |
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February 15 2024 | OWASP ModSecurity: A Few Plot Twists and What Feels Like a Happy End by Christian Folini |
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OWASP Dependency-Track by Niklas Düster |
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October 19 2023 | Hacking CI/CD Pipelines: Some use cases for hacking CI/CD orchestrators by Mauricio Cano |
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Unveiling the secrets in your code: Detecting and Triaging exposed credentials at scale by Ingmar Vis |
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September 21 2023 | DAST in the world of DevSecOps by Amit Sharma |
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SAST, DAST, IAST... xAST de-mystified by Martin Knobloch |
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June 7 2023 | Panel Discussion on Web Application Firewalls by Aatif Khan and Menno Swam and Nico van Rooyen |
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May 25 2023 | AppSec in IT contracts by Sebastian Avarvarei |
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About containers and their escapes: understanding escape patterns and possibilities by Mauricio Cano |
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April 20 2023 | OWASP Juice Shop by Björn Kimminich |
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The Rise of the Security Verification Standard by Josh Grossman |
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March 16 2023 | Crash course on the OWASP API Security Top 10 by Colin Domoney |
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January 19 2023 | Bootstrap and increase your software assurance with OWASP SAMM v2.1 by Sebastien Deleersnyder |
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September 15 2022 | The Red Cross of the Internet by Shairesh Algoe |
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Digitally securing The Netherlands - or convincing others to do it by Koen Sandbrink |
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June 16 2022 | Staying in control of your cloud application landscape by Priyam Awasthy and Spandan Chandra |
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OWASP Cloud-Native Application Security Top 10 by Filip |
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May 19 2022 | Comparing Static Analysis Security Testing (SAST) tools en dependency scanners by Wibren Wiersma |
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Infrastructure as Code (IaC) - security challenges and how KICS solves them by Lior Kaplan |
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Secret Scanning Solutions by Raluca Viziteu |
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April 21 2022 | Crawl Dutch government websites to collect statistics of SRI usage by Tom Stock |
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Web Security Map (basisbeveiliging.nl) by Elger Jonker |
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Security Transformation Program by Dimitar Yanev and Andreas Hauke |
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March 17 2022 | OWASP Dependency Track and OWASP CycloneDX by Steve |
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Software Bill of Material – why do we need it, what is it and how can we overcome the current challenges by Klaas Wijbrans |
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Introducing: The Security Champions Guidebook |
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Introducing: Guidelines on embedding SBOM in your organization |
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February 17 2022 | How log4j became an epic - a story told by a developer and a product owner by Rick te Brake and Anna Rudenko |
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The Long-Term Impact of Log4j by Dan Cornell |
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How log4j ruined our Christmas by Owen |
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January 20 2022 | A story on scaling threat modeling across 500+ DevOps teams by Abhishek k. Goel |
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Gamification of Threat Modelling by Grant Ongers |
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October 28 2021 | Our Secrets Management Journey: From Code to Vault by Jeroen Willemsen |
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Doing Security in DevOps, the right way! by Irfaan Santoe |
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April 9 2020 | SKF news by Riccardo ten Cate and Glenn ten Cate |
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OWASP Integration Standards project update by Rob van der Veer |
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June 18 2019 | Recon Recon by Martijn Baalman aka @x1m_martijn |
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The Good, The Bad and The Ugly of Responsible Disclosure by Chrissy Morgan aka 5w0rdFish |
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January 17 2019 | Machine Learning vs. Cryptocoin Miners by Jonn Callahan |
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Running at Light Speed: Cloud Native Security Patterns by Jack Mannino |
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September 27 2018 | Serverless Security: Functions-as-a-Service (FaaS) by Niels Tanis |
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Building A Security Test Automation Framework by Riccardo Ten Cate |
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June 28 2018 | Building A Security 'Culture' by Gareth O'Sullivan |
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Building Secure Software With OWASP Tools And Guides by Martin Knobloch |
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October 12 2017 | Playing in the Sandbox: Bypassing Adobe Flash Input Validation by Björn Ruytenberg |
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How to rob a bank by Pieter Ceelen |
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November 7 2016 | Web Security: Broken by default? by Niels Tanis |
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Building A Software Security Program by Kuai Hinojosa |
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September 22 2016 | Handling Of Security Requirements In Software Development Lifecycle by Daniel Kefer and René Reuter |
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Hacking The OWASP Juice Shop by Björn Kimminich |
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July 7 2016 | Find and fix software security problems… by Matias Madou |
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How To Keep Your Secrets Safe(r) On An Android Device by Jeroen Willemsen |
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April 21 2016 | Web Application Firewall, Filter and Bypass by Aatif Khan |
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February 18 2016 | OWASP Security Knowledge Framework by Glenn Ten Cate and Riccardo Ten Cate |
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