OWASP Saitama
こちらはOWASP Saitamaチャプターのページです。
OWASP Saitamaチャプターとは、サイバーセキュリティの向上を目指す非営利組織であるOWASP (The Open Web Application Security Project) のさいたま支部です。
チャプターリーダーは吉村 孝広、吉村 賢哉の2名です。
OWASP Saitamaミーティング
OWASP Saitamaミーティングにスピーカーとして参加を希望される方は、speaker agreementをご覧の上、以下の内容をチャプターリーダーまでご連絡ください。
- お名前
- セッションタイトル
- 2021/3/30 19:00+9..: OWASP Saitama ミーティング #0 (オンライン)
- 2021/5/25 19:00+9..: OWASP Saitama ミーティング #1 (オンライン)
- 2021/8/26 19:00+9..: OWASP Saitama ミーティング #3 (オンライン)
- 2021/9/28 19:00+9..: OWASP Saitama ミーティング #4 (オンライン)
- 2021/11/30 19:00+9..: OWASP Saitama ミーティング #5 (オンライン)
- 2022/1/25 19:00+9..: OWASP Saitama ミーティング #6 (オンライン)
- 2022/3/29 19:00+9..: OWASP Saitama ミーティング #7 (オンライン)
- 2022/6/28 19:00+9..: OWASP Saitama ミーティング #8 (オンライン)
- 2022/8/30 19:00+9..: OWASP Saitama ミーティング #9 (オンライン)
- 2022/10/25 19:00+9..: OWASP Saitama ミーティング #10 (ハイブリッド; ふれあいキューブ 4F 会議室2)
- 2022/12/20 19:00+9..: OWASP Saitama ミーティング #11 (ハイブリッド; RaiBoC Hall 会議室3)
- 2023/2/28 19:00+9..: OWASP Saitama ミーティング #12 (ハイブリッド;ふれあいキューブ 4F 会議室2)
- 2023/4/18 19:00+9..: OWASP Saitama ミーティング #13 (ハイブリッド; ふれあいキューブ 4F 会議室2)
- 2023/6/27 19:00+9..: OWASP Saitama ミーティング #14 (ハイブリッド; ふれあいキューブ 4F 会議室2)
- 2023/8/29 19:00+9..: OWASP Saitama ミーティング #15 〜行くぞ脅威モデリング〜 (オフライン; RaiBoC Hall 会議室3)
- 2023/10/24 19:00+9..: OWASP Saitama MTG #16 (オフライン; 春日部市ふれあいキューブ)
- 2023/12/18 19:00+9..: OWASP Saitama MTG #17 (オフライン; RaiBoC Hall 集会室7)
- 2024/2/27 19:00+9..: OWASP Saitama MTG #18 (オフライン; 春日部市ふれあいキューブ)
- 2024/4/30 19:00+9..: OWASP Saitama MTG #19 (オフライン; RaiBoC Hall 集会室4)
- 2024/6/25 19:00+9..: OWASP Saitama MTG #20 (オフライン; 春日部市ふれあいキューブ)
- 2024/10/29 19:00+9..: OWASP Saitama MTG #22 (ハイブリッド; 春日部市ふれあいキューブ 4F 会議室2)
- 2024/12/10 19:00+9..: OWASP Saitama ミーティング #23 (ハイブリッド; RaiBoC Hall 集会室2)
- 2025/02/25 19:00+9..: OWASP Saitama ミーティング #24 (ハイブリッド; [春日部市ふれあいキューブ 4F 会議室2)
Welcome to the OWASP Saitama Chapter home page!
The chapter leaders are: Takahiro Yoshimura and Ken-ya Yoshimura.
Upcoming events
Currently, we are using Connpass for organizing our events. If you cannot use it, you can attend our events by contacting chapter leaders.
Our mission
In our chapter,
1. We provide freedom of speech.
We consider free speech is most important, as well as responsible disclosure, especially in the topics of cybersecurity field. For that mission we seek speakers’ psycological security, e.g. we do not allow audio/video recording and disclosure, without speakers’ explicit permission, of any of our talk sessions.
2. We seek comprehensive knowledge.
We consider any meaningful awareness is provided only with timely and comprehensive knowledge. For that mission we prefer actual/precise/real-life topics to abstract ones.
3. We seek real skills.
We consider it is important to distribute not only knowledge but also skills. For that mission we will occussionally hold workshops.
4. We seek fun.
We believe that fun is an important factor of any fruitful research. For that mission we will strive to provide easy and cozy environment.
OWASP Saitama Meetings
OWASP Saitama Meetings are regular meetings held by our members, in Saitama-shi or Kasukabe-shi, for raising cybersecurity awareness. We will invite various person working in the cybersecurity field as speakers. Anyone can join us; we will welcome you no matter of your profession, experience, age, gender, or nationality.
IMPORTANT: In our chapter we do not allow audio/video recording and disclosure, without speakers’ explicit permission, of any of our talk session. Thank you.
We announce upcoming events including the meetings, primarily in the chapter page, relaying to platforms like:
Call for paper is always open!
We are always looking for speakers. If you want to speak in our chapter meetings, please take a look at speaker agreement, then contact the chapter leaders with the following information. Thank you.
- Your name
- Your session title
Chapter Supporters
The list below are the companies/organizations that support our chapter.
Past Meetings
We have held meetings below:
- 2021/3/30 19:00+9..: OWASP Saitama Meeting #0 (virtual event)
- 2021/5/25 19:00+9..: OWASP Saitama Meeting #1 (virtual event)
- 2021/8/26 19:00+9..: OWASP Saitama Meeting #3 (virtual event)
- 2021/9/28 19:00+9..: OWASP Saitama Meeting #4 (virtual event)
- 2021/11/30 19:00+9..: OWASP Saitama Meeting #5 (virtual event)
- 2022/1/25 19:00+9..: OWASP Saitama Meeting #6 (virtual event)
- 2022/3/29 19:00+9..: OWASP Saitama Meeting #7 (virtual event)
- 2022/6/28 19:00+9..: OWASP Saitama Meeting #8 (virtual event)
- 2022/8/30 19:00+9..: OWASP Saitama Meeting #9 (virtual event)
- 2022/10/25 19:00+9..: OWASP Saitama Meeting #10 (hybrid; Kasukabe Convention Hall, 4F Meeting Room 2)
- 2022/12/20 19:00+9..: OWASP Saitama Meeting #11 (hybrid; RaiBoC Hall Meeting Room 3)
- 2023/2/28 19:00+9..: OWASP Saitama Meeting #12 (hybrid; Kasukabe Convention Hall, 4F Meeting Room 2)
- 2023/4/18 19:00+9..: OWASP Saitama Meeting #13 (hybrid;Kasukabe Convention Hall, 4F Meeting Room 2)
- 2023/6/27 19:00+9..: OWASP Saitama Meeting #14 (hybrid;Kasukabe Convention Hall, 4F Meeting Room 2)
- 2023/8/29 19:00+9..: OWASP Saitama Meeting #15 -Threats, Show Thyself- (offline; RaiBoC Hall Meeting Room 3)
- 2023/10/24 19:00+9..: OWASP Saitama MTG #16 (in-person; Kasukabe Convention Hall)
- 2023/12/18 19:00+9..: OWASP Saitama MTG #17 (in-person; RaiBoC Hall Meeting Room 7)
- 2024/2/27 19:00+9..: OWASP Saitama MTG #18 (in-person; Kasukabe Convention Hall)
- 2024/4/30 19:00+9..: OWASP Saitama MTG #19 (in-person; RaiBoC Hall Meeting Room 4)
- 2024/6/25 19:00+9..: OWASP Saitama MTG #20 (in-person; Kasukabe Convention Hall)
- 2024/10/29 19:00+9..: OWASP Saitama Meeting #22 (hybrid;Kasukabe Convention Hall, 4F Meeting Room 2)
- 2024/12/10 19:00+9..: OWASP Saitama Meeting #23 (hybrid; RaiBoC Hall Meeting Room 2)
- 2025/02/25 19:00+9..: OWASP Saitama Meeting #24 (hybrid;Kasukabe Convention Hall, 4F Meeting Room 2)