OWASP Forensics Testing Guide


This project consists on the creation of a guide for forensic specialists/analysts, aimed at providing guidance for the execution of forensic análisis, in the context of administrative and/or judicial procedures.

Said document will refer to both formal procedures and good practices to be implemented during the treatment of evidence. It will seek to unify criteria considering current frameworks, such as ISO/IEC, NIST, UNE, among others, and will also include specific processes and guidelines to be occupied when carrying out forensic analysis on mobile equipments, work equipments (computers and servers) and communication equipments.

Likewise, it will propose the realization of two types of forensic reports (executive and technical), as well as a chain of custody (“cadena de custodia”) that considers the analyzed good practices.

To this end, this project will be divided in the following four parts:

  1. General procedures
  2. Forensic analysis in mobile equipments
  3. Forensic analysis in work equipments
  4. Forensic analysis in communication equipments

The project leaders are Oscar Orellana and Oscar Bravo, who have worked on several studies and contributions in the field of Cybersecurity.


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