OWASP LLM Prompt Hacking

Large language Models (LLMs) are powerful AI systems that can be used for a variety of tasks, such as generating text, translating languages, and writing different kinds of creative content. However, LLM based apps can be vulnerable to attacks carried out by carefully crafting inputs or prompts. These attacks, known as prompt hacking, can be used to trick LLMs based apps into generating unintended or malicious output. This project aims to provide a valuable resource to raise awareness of prompt hacking attacks and the security risks they pose. The tutorial and playground aims to help users in understanding how these attacks work and how to defend against them. The gamified target application offers a fun and challenging way to practice learned skills.

Project Goals

The goals of this project are to:

  • Provide a comprehensive overview of LLM prompt hacking techniques

  • Teach users how to defend against LLM prompt hacking attacks

  • Provide a safe and interactive environment for users to practice LLM prompt hacking

Target Users:

Application Developers, Security Architects, Security Analysts Penetration Testers, Security Researchers, Secure Code Reviewers, Security Consultants, Red Teamer, Ethical Hackers


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