OWASP Software Security 5D Framework

Project description

The new IMQ Minded Security Software Security 5D framework (now OWASP Software Security 5D framework) is derived from many years of experience performing software security assessment to many Companies and from the experience from the OWASP Community and in particular OWASP SAMM Community.

IMQ Minded Security donated it to OWASP in September 2018.

Traditional Secure SDLC frameworks lack of: - level of awareness for all the people involved in the process - description of the application security roles involved - set of security standards - security testing tools adopted

OWASP SwSec 5D represents a more practical framework that focus on 5 dimensions to evaluate the maturity of a SDLC that are the following:

  • SwSec TEAM

Project goal is to review the 5D framework and create an open source framework adopted by the OWASP Community.

Start with the model

The OWASP SwSec 5D Project

The OWASP SwSec 5D v1 (PDF)


This project is under the AGPL 3.0 license.

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the link GNU Affero General Public License 3.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. OWASP and any contributions are Copyright © by the Project Leader(s) or OWASP.


Get other people to review the Documentation Project and provide feedback Incorporate feedback Finalize the Documentation Project and have it reviewed to be promoted from an Incubator Project to a Lab Project

Getting Involved

Involvement in the development and promotion of SwSec 5D project is actively encouraged! You do not have to be a security expert or a programmer to contribute. Please send an email to: Matteo.Meucci at owasp.org

Version 1 just published!

10th May 2023 OWASP Software Security 5D Framework was just published in PDF. Please download and read it here

[OWASP Software Security 5D Framework]