OWASP Top 10 for Maritime Security

This project aims to develop an OWASP Top 10 list specifically tailored to the maritime industry. Currently, maritime cybersecurity lacks well-defined standards, and this project leverages the OWASP framework to address this gap.

The project will identify the ten most critical security vulnerabilities facing the maritime sector:

  • Gathering and analyzing existing maritime vulnerability data.
  • Prioritizing the most frequent and impactful threats.
  • Developing detailed descriptions for each vulnerability in the OWASP Top 10 for Maritime list.

This will provide a foundational framework for risk management and vulnerability mitigation, ultimately strengthening maritime cybersecurity.

Road Map

The project will follow a phased approach, with each phase building upon the previous one:

Phase 1: Data Collection and Analysis: Gather maritime vulnerability data, clean and analyze it, identify key vulnerabilities and emerging threats. Phase 2: OWASP Top 10 for Maritime Development: Prioritize vulnerabilities, develop detailed descriptions for each in the Top 10 list, and finalize the report. Phase 3: Deliverables and Outreach: Finalize all project deliverables, prepare for dissemination of results (presentations, communication strategy), and raise awareness of the OWASP Top 10 for Maritime list.


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