Chapter Procedures (WIP)
Chapter Leader
I would first like you to read and complete the Leader acknowledgment form.
OWASP City/Student Chapters
Governance While local chapters operate, for the most part, independently from the OWASP Foundation, they are not stand-alone legal entities. Local OWASP Chapters are essentially small local “arms” or “branches” of the OWASP Foundation and must abide by any legal and financial duties or responsibilities imposed on the OWASP Foundation. Furthermore, local chapters and chapter leaders are governed by the OWASP Foundation through the Executive Director and the Global OWASP Board.
- Must have a minimum of two and maximum of five volunteers to start a new or reactivate an OWASP chapter. All leaders are to reside within 80km or 50 miles of the city chapter. Student chapter leaders must be registered full-time students and active Faculty advisors of the accredited college/university.
- A chapter is to hold a minimum of three meeting that are free and open for anyone to attend every year(12 months).
- Meeting is a gathering of two or more people that has been convened for the purpose of achieving a common goal through verbal interaction, such as sharing information or reaching agreement. Meetings may occur face-to-face, hybrid, or virtually, as mediated by communications technology.
- The meetings are to be discoverable on the OWASP chapter page on Discoverable for the registration or RSVP that has the date, time, and physical or virtual location to attend.
- Logo for chapter must align with Branding and Word mark usage guidlines
- The OWASP® Word Mark and OWASP & Design™ Logo are registered or unregistered service marks of OWASP Foundation, Inc. in the United States and other countries. All rights reserved. Unauthorized use is strictly prohibited.
- Customization of OWASP identity graphics is a way to reflect the individual characteristics of conferences, events, chapters, and projects. The branding guidelines allow for minimal customization of identity graphics. Background images, such as a country flag to identify a local chapter, may be acceptable as long as it does not obscure the branded identity. All customized identity graphics, including logos, banners, avatars, cover photos, presentation templates, etc., must follow these guidelines. Questionable practices include changing the circle to a square, altering the angle of the wasp feature, using non-branded wasp images, copyrighted images, and any other treatment that alters or obscures the OWASP brand. The OWASP Foundation reserves the right to request changes to any graphic that does not comply with these rules.
- Shared Services the Foundation offers and will provide to a chapter if a leader requests. The shared services provided by the Foundation are to be used for OWASP chapter meetings and approved events.
- Submit a contact us ticket for each service.**
- - is a social media platform for hosting and organizing in-person, hybrid and virtual activities and gatherings. It also has an API to mirror the meeting information to the OWASP chapter page. Need to create login for and join the meetup group.
- Shared Zoom account - If not using the account the leadership MUST notify the Foundation immediately so as not to incur additional monthly expenses.
- Chapter-Leader Google Group
- City-chapter Google Group mailing list
- Slack
- account - provided with New Chapter request ticket. This is the email the Foundation will use to communicate with all leaders.
- Chapter page repository that is accessed via GitHub user ID. - provided with the New Chapter request ticket.
- Contact Us - JIRA Service Management open to access by entering any email and click on sign up.
- Submit a contact us ticket for each service.**
- It is the leadership resonsibility to notify the Foundation immediately if they decide not to use so we can close and not to incur additional monthly expenses.
Leaders are volunteers All leaders are considered equal and responsible to meet the requirements in the chapters policy. Leaders must have the knowledge and access for all shared services and social media accounts to maintain the chapter to allow for a leader or leaders to take personal leave, illness, vacation or work travel. The remainin leader or leaders are responsible to meet the requirements to maintain the chapter. This requires that all leaders have the same access to all the shared services and social media accounts that the chapter uses.
- To Start or Reactivate requires a minimum of two and a maximum of five volunteer leaders that reside within 80km / 50 miles of the City chapter. Student Chapters are required to have a minimum of one full-time enrolled student and one active faculty advisor of the school.
- Required information to start a New Chapter, Reactivate a Chapter or Add a Leader Requests. The minimum information MUST be in the ticket to be considered.
- First and Surname (no initials or abbreviations)
- Indicate the Faculty advisor. Faculty advisor is a leader and must follow the leader requirements.
- Personal email address - not and work emails are not suggested in case of job change.
- Students and Faculty advisor use school email address.
- City and Postal code of full-time permanent residence - must be within 80km/50 miles of the city chapter.
- Students and Faculty advisors are to use the school’s address.
- GitHub user ID for all leaders.
- account is the email address the Foundation will use to communicate with all leaders and the one that will be provided to the public to contact a leader. Leaders will need to monitor or forward to an account that is monitored.
- All leaders are responsible for updating and maintaining current and correct information on their OWASP chapter page. Check your links to make sure they work. Restating OWASP policies on a chapter page is not recommended unless the leaders will regularly compare with the OWASP policies page. The Foundation reviews and update only the Policies page.
- To be an active leader you MUST have access to all the shared services the Foundation has provided to the chapter. All leaders are equal and responsibile to maintain the chapter activity to meet requirements to keep the chapter open. It is also the contingency plan if one or more leaders needs to take personal leave or becomes ill. The lack of access to the shared services by the remaining leadership will not be considered justification to not close a chapter.
- Any other social media platforms login and password must be shared with all active leaders.
- The login and password for shared services and social media MUST be passed on to the new leadership or if not applicable MUST be closed. If the chapter is closed the leadership is responsible to close all social media accounts created for chapter or remove all usage of the OWASP® word and logo to comply with trademark guidelines.
- Leaders are offered complimentary membership. Enrollment and renewal is not automatic; it must be completed by the leader using their email on OWASP Membership page
- Leaders that step down or moves out of area are required to notify the Foundation as soon as possible by submitting a ticket to step down as a leader. If a leader moves out of the 80km or 50 mile area of the city chapter they MUST notify the Foundation as soon as possible by submitting the ticket.
- OWASP account Automatic email notfications are sent with a option to join and the timeframe of when the accounts wiil be suspended for leaders that step down or are removed and do not have a paid membership.