September 2024 Agenda/Minutes
Meeting Details
- Date: 25 September 2024
- Time: 1730 PDT, UTC 1600 convert
- Location: Hyatt Regency, San Francisco, CA, USA
- Call-in: Zoom Recording
Meeting Commencement
- Matt Tesauro started the meeting to accommodate an additional item on the agenda.
Board Members
- Sam Stepanyan: YES
- Steve Springett: YES
- Avi Douglen: YES (Late)
- Matt Tesauro: YES
- Ricardo Griffith: YES
- Bil Corry
- Kevin Johnson
- Andrew van der Stock
- Lauren Thomas
As the Board consists of individuals from many competing organizations, OWASP and its Board shall abide by all applicable anti-trust and competition laws. To avoid any perceived or actual conflict of interest, or anti-trust concerns under US federal, state, or regulations, only the published agenda shall be discussed or voted upon, or amended as below. If there are any conflicts of interest, Board members are expected to disclose the conflict of interest and must recuse themselves from discussion and voting.
Changes to the agenda - unless otherwise prohibited by anti-trust or competition laws - including adding, altering, or tabling of motions is permitted by following Roberts Rules of Order (RONR 12th Ed) 41:63, which requires an affirmative two-thirds vote.
Addition of Giza Chapter Issue to the Agenda
- Proposed by: Matt Tesauro
- Seconded by: Steve Springett
- Sam Stepanyan: YES
- Steve Springett: YES
- Matt Tesauro: YES
- Ricardo Griffith: YES
- Motion Passed: 4-0 in favor.
Giza Chapter Discussion
- Andrew mentioned that the Giza Chapter was mistakenly approved without considering the rule as stated in the Chapter Policy: “Chapters shall be defined for a single city only; a new chapter may be denied approval if there is another chapter within 80 km (50 miles).”
- Muhammad Amr joined the Board meeting to discuss with the Board.
- Sam requested that Muhammad provide a link to the YouTube video.
- Muhammad provided the link in the Zoom chat: YouTube Video
- The Board decided to table this discussion for the next Board meeting.
“Avi now assumes the role of Chair of this public meeting.”
- Sam Stepanyan: YES
- Steve Springett: YES
- Matt Tesauro: YES
- Ricardo Griffith: YES
- Avi Douglen: YES
- Motion Passed: 5-0 in favor.
“Avi stated to Andrew that standard project templates should be provided for project leaders as well.”
“CharityCFO provided a video that walks the Board through the highlights of the Finance report.”
Project Committee Update
Background: Björn Kimminich, the Project Committee Chair, provided an update on the committee’s activities and future plans.
Discussion: Björn delivered a PowerPoint presentation to the Board, highlighting recent accomplishments and outlining various topics of the Project Committee.
Sam stated the most asked question is how to start a project. and suggested that this should be added to the site. Björn thinks the handbook has a link that requesters will require.
Chapter Committee Update
Background: Edmond Momartin, an officer of the Chapter Committee, provided an update on the committee’s activities and future plans.
- The committee has completed reviewing the Chapter Handbook.
- They are currently in a holding pattern pending the implementation of the new Association Management System (AMS).
- The committee wants members to know they are available on Slack and can be contacted via this channel.
- They are in the process of creating instructional videos.
Motion to approve Board Code of Conduct
Background In preparation for this year’s election, the Executive Director had several policies reviewed by legal, and subsequently reviewed by a Board sub-committee, our community and the Policy Review team. This updated Board Code of Conduct is the result of that process. The major changes includes simplifying the Board Code of Conduct, and de-duping items already found in the standard Code of Conduct.
Motion: “Resolved, that the draft Board Code of Conduct is approved.”
Sponsor: Steve Springett Second: Sam Stepanyan
- Sam Stepanyan: YES
- Steve Springett: YES
- Matt Tesauro: YES
- Ricardo Griffith: YES
- Avi Douglen: YES
- Motion Passed: 5-0 in favor.
Motion to approve Code of Conduct Policy
Background In preparation for this year’s election, the Executive Director had several policies reviewed by legal, and subsequently reviewed by a Board sub-committee, our community and the Policy Review team. This policy is the result of that process. There are minor legal changes recommended by our lawyers, and the Board policy review team.
Motion: “Resolved, that the draft Code of Conduct policy is approved.”
Sponsor: Steve Springett Second: Sam Stepanyan
- Sam Stepanyan: YES
- Steve Springett: YES
- Matt Tesauro: YES
- Ricardo Griffith: YES
- Avi Douglen: YES
- Motion Passed: 5-0 in favor.
Motion to approve Conflict of Interest Policy
Background In preparation for this year’s election, the Executive Director had several policies reviewed by legal, and subsequently reviewed by a Board sub-committee, our community and the Policy Review team. This policy is the result of that process. There are minor legal changes recommended by our lawyers, and the Board policy review team.
Motion: “Resolved, that the draft Conflict of Interest policy is approved.”
Sponsor: Sam Stepenyan Second: Steve Springett
- Sam Stepanyan: YES
- Steve Springett: YES
- Matt Tesauro: YES
- Ricardo Griffith: YES
- Avi Douglen: YES
- Motion Passed: 5-0 in favor.
Motion to approve Election Policy
Background In preparation for this year’s election, the Executive Director had several policies reviewed by legal, and subsequently reviewed by a Board sub-committee, our community and the Policy Review team. This policy is the result of that process. The major changes includes adding in Director qualifications and other missing items required by the Bylaws.
Motion: “Resolved, that the draft Elections policy is approved.”
Sponsor: Sam Stepanyan Second: Steve Springett
- Sam Stepanyan: YES
- Steve Springett: YES
- Matt Tesauro: YES
- Ricardo Griffith: YES
- Avi Douglen: YES
- Motion Passed: 5-0 in favor.
Motion to approve Membership Policy
Background In preparation for this year’s election, the Executive Director had several policies reviewed by legal, and subsequently reviewed by a Board sub-committee, our community and the Policy Review team. This policy is the result of that process. The major changes includes adding in Leaders must be Members, which was adopted by the Board in March, 2024.
Motion: “Resolved, that the draft Membership policy is approved.”
Sponsor: Steve Springett Second: Sam Stepanyan
- Sam Stepanyan: YES
- Steve Springett: YES
- Matt Tesauro: YES
- Ricardo Griffith: YES
- Avi Douglen: YES
- Motion Passed: 5-0 in favor.
Motion to approve Force Majeure Policy
Background This policy has been in draft since 2022. Minor feedback from the Community has been incorporated.
Motion: “Resolved, that the draft Force Majeure policy is approved.”
Sponsor: Sam Stepanyan Second: Steve Springett
- Sam Stepanyan: YES
- Steve Springett: YES
- Matt Tesauro: YES
- Ricardo Griffith: YES
- Avi Douglen: YES
- Motion Passed: 5-0 in favor.
“Subsequent motion will be submitted by Sam in a future Board meeting to chnaged the word “periodic” to “at least annual””.
Announce the 2025 AppSec Conferences
Background Let’s announce the 2025 AppSec Conferences.
Adjournment motion
The next general Board meeting is on 22nd October 2024, at 12 pm US Eastern Time.
“It is moved, and seconded to adjourn. Those in favor, say “aye””
Sponsor: Avi Douglen Second: Ricardo Grfifith