OWASP Houston - Study Groups

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Our Study Groups

The OWASP Houston Study Group is intended to provide an organized gathering of like-minded IT professionals who want to learn more about application security. This is done through mini-discussions, demos, presentations, and series of meetings to cover more involved topics (i.e. book topics). Generally the topics will be participant-led, meaning that attendees will volunteer their time to present or lead a discussion, whether a one-time presentation of a topic they wish to review or need help with, or walk through topics of a particular chapter of a book being covered. There will still be OWASP leadership involved with scheduling and such, but the idea is to get a better “hands-on” approach to create a more productive learning environment. We learn more when we are involved.

Current Study Group Topic

Continuing with crAPI Challenges using ZAP, Browser Dev Tools, Postman, PowerShell, and Python.

There are now two options for meeting times, but the same information will be covered.

  • OWASP Houston Chapter API Security Study Group - Lunchtime Option
    Friday, June 14, 2024
    12:00 PM to 1:00 PM CDT

  • OWASP Houston Chapter API Security Study Group - Evening Option
    Monday, June 17, 2024
    7:00 PM to 8:00 PM CDT


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