OWASP Developer Guide

Zed Attack Proxy

6.2.1 Zed Attack Proxy

The Zed Attack Proxy (ZAP) verification and testing project is a widely used dynamic application security testing tool used for web applications and proxies.

ZAP was for a long time an OWASP Flagship project and is now a project within the Software Security Project (SSP) organization, which itself is part of the Linux Foundation. Installers for various platforms can be downloaded from the ZAP website.

What is ZAP?

The Zed Attack Proxy is a tool that dynamically scans web applications. It is commonly used for Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST) but also has multiple uses:

  • Vulnerability Assessment
  • Penetration Testing
  • Runtime Testing
  • Code Review

ZAP can be used manually to test applications or can be run within an automated CI/CD environment.

Why use it?

ZAP is easily installed, intuitive to use and is regularly updated to meet the evolving threat landscape.

ZAP is an effective tool that is widely used by a large community of testers, developers, security engineers etc. This makes it a tool that many teams will already be familiar with and probably using it already; you can almost regard ZAP is a common language within the security community when it comes to web application testing.

How to use it

The OWASP Spotlight series provides an overview of using ZAP: ‘Project 12 - OWASP Zed Attack Proxy (ZAP)’.

ZAP installers can be downloaded for Windows, Linux and MacOS. Once installed the follow the getting started guide for an introduction on how to use it manually via the UI or automatically within a CI/CD environment - and definitely check out the Heads Up Display mode.

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