ML02:2023 Data Poisoning Attack


Data poisoning attacks occur when an attacker manipulates the training data to cause the model to behave in an undesirable way.

How to Prevent

Data validation and verification: Ensure that the training data is thoroughly validated and verified before it is used to train the model. This can be done by implementing data validation checks and employing multiple data labelers to validate the accuracy of the data labeling.

Secure data storage: Store the training data in a secure manner, such as using encryption, secure data transfer protocols, and firewalls.

Data separation: Separate the training data from the production data to reduce the risk of compromising the training data.

Access control: Implement access controls to limit who can access the training data and when they can access it.

Monitoring and auditing: Regularly monitor the training data for any anomalies and conduct audits to detect any data tampering.

Model validation: Validate the model using a separate validation set that has not been used during training. This can help to detect any data poisoning attacks that may have affected the training data.

Model ensembles: Train multiple models using different subsets of the training data and use an ensemble of these models to make predictions. This can reduce the impact of data poisoning attacks as the attacker would need to compromise multiple models to achieve their goals.

Anomaly detection: Use anomaly detection techniques to detect any abnormal behavior in the training data, such as sudden changes in the data distribution or data labeling. These techniques can be used to detect data poisoning attacks early on.

Risk Factors

Threat Agents/Attack Vectors Security Weakness Impact
Exploitability: 3 (Moderate)

ML Application Specific: 4
ML Operations Specific: 3
Detectability: 2 (Difficult) Technical: 4 (Moderate)
Threat Agent: Attacker who has access to the training data used for the model.

Attack Vector: The attacker injects malicious data into the training data set.
Lack of data validation and insufficient monitoring of the training data. The model will make incorrect predictions based on the poisoned data, leading to false decisions and potentially serious consequences.

It is important to note that this chart is only a sample based on the scenario below only. The actual risk assessment will depend on the specific circumstances of each machine learning system.

Example Attack Scenarios

Scenario #1: Training a spam classifier

An attacker poisons the training data for a deep learning model that classifies emails as spam or not spam. The attacker executed this attack by injecting the maliciously labeled spam emails into the training data set. This could be done by compromising the data storage system, for example by hacking into the network or exploiting a vulnerability in the data storage software. The attacker could also manipulate the data labeling process, such as by falsifying the labeling of the emails or by bribing the data labelers to provide incorrect labels.

Scenario #2: Training a network traffic classification system

An attacker poisons the training data for a deep learning model that is used to classify network traffic into different categories, such as email, web browsing, and video streaming. They introduce a large number of examples of network traffic that are incorrectly labeled as a different type of traffic, causing the model to be trained to classify this traffic as the incorrect category. As a result, the model may be trained to make incorrect traffic classifications when the model is deployed, potentially leading to misallocation of network resources or degradation of network performance.
