OWASP Top Ten Proactive Controls 2024

C4: Use Secure Architecture Patterns

C4: Use Secure Architecture Patterns


Experts have shared their wisdom about best practices in an easily digestible format called secure architecture patterns. Architecture patterns are reusable and can be applied across multiple applications.

For a solution to be considered a pattern, it must have these characteristics:

  • First, a secure architecture pattern must solve a security problem.
  • Second, a secure architecture pattern must not be tied to a specific vendor or technology.
  • Third, a secure architecture pattern must demonstrate how it mitigates threats.
  • Fourth, a secure architecture pattern must use standardized terms for threats and controls for easy reuse.[1]. 1

An architecture pattern is a way to solve a problem using a standard solution versus creating a custom solution. A secure architecture pattern is a standard solution that has been reviewed and hardened against known security threats.


  1. Identify the problem that requires solving.
  2. Consider the catalog of available secure architecture patterns.
  3. Choose a secure architecture pattern for the design.
  4. Implement the secure architecture pattern.

Vulnerabilities Prevented

  • Business Logic Flaws: These patterns can help in structuring the application to avoid complex and often overlooked business logic vulnerabilities.
  • OWASP Top 10 2021-A04 (Insecure Design): Secure architecture patterns directly target the mitigation of risks associated with insecure design, a key concern highlighted by OWASP.



  1. https://securitypatterns.io/what-is-a-security-pattern/