OWASP Mugla University - Student Chapter


Welcome to OWASP Mugla University. We are happy to see you if you participate us! Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University (MSKU) is one of the most prestigious university in Turkey. As OWASP Mugla University, we organise Meetups, conferences, professional speaker series, workshops and inspiring presentations about Cyber Security.

OWASP Mugla University

Chapter Information

OWASP Mugla University was established in October 2021 as a Student Chapter. The first meeting was held on 08.11.2021 with the Cyber security fundamentals and introduction of OWASP. Following this meeting, public meetings were held addressing various areas of Cyber Security. As OWASP Mugla University, we continue meetings that focus on content that participants can implement in their own environment, free of charge and open to everyone.

Keep watching this space for announcements about upcoming events. Everyone is welcome to join us at our chapter meetings. For more detailed information about the OWASP Mugla University Student Chapter, contact the chapter leaders:

Future Meetings

OWASP Mugla University Student Chapter meetings are posted on our meetup! Meetup Group

Our meetings are open to the public, and you do not need to be a member to attend. Please do consider joining OWASP if you find our community, projects, and meetings valuable, or sponsoring this chapter.

Benefits of Attending Meetings

  • Networking
  • Cyber Security knowledge sharing
  • Gaining different perspectives
  • Have fun!


The Open Worldwide Application Security Project (OWASP) is a nonprofit foundation that works to improve the security of software. All of our projects, tools, documents, forums, and chapters are free and open to anyone interested in improving application security.

Chapters are led by local leaders in accordance with the Chapters Policy. Financial contributions should only be made online using the authorized online donation button.


OWASP finances the projects and its organization through sponsors. A sponsor sustainably supports the work of OWASP. You have two options - which you can also use both in parallel - to support OWASP. We would be very happy about that:

In particular, please take note of the OWASP Donations Policy.

Presentations and Professional Speakings

If you like to speak on our upcoming events, please review the speaker agreement and kindly email us Sevde Gul Turk, Resul Bozburun, Furkan Ozturk & Dr. Enis Karaarslan

Past Events

Recent public meetings of OWASP Mugla University

Event Date Event Mode Topic Speaker(s)
24.02.2025 Offline CTF 101 Abdullah Can Öz
24.04.2024 Offline Coffee Talk Hüseyin Selim Sürmelihindi
22.12.2023 Offline Burp Suite Ümmü Gülsüm Varlı
07.12.2023 Offline Click’inize Hakim Olun! Resul Bozburun
15.11.2023 Offline Network101 Sevde Gül Türk
25.10.2023 Offline Sanalın Yeraltı Dünyası: Deep & Dark Web Furkan Öztürk
29.05.2023 Online Siber Güvenlik Yol Haritası Battal Koç
24.05.2023 Online Saldırganların Gözünden Dijital Dünya Okan Kurtuluş
23.05.2023 Online Yapay Zekanın Siber Güvenliğe Uygulanması Cihan Özhan
16.05.2023 Online Güvenli Yazılım Geliştirme Anıl Yelken
06.04.2023 Online Zararlı Yazılımlar: Bilgisayarındaki Davetsiz Misafir Seyit Sığırcı
01.04.2023 Online Bug Bounty (Ödül Avcılığı) Muhammed Eren Uygun
28.03.2023 Online Web Uygulama Zafiyetleri: Cross Site Scripting (XSS) Injection Resul Bozburun
28.11.2022 Offline CTF 101 Abdullah Can Öz
17.10.2022 Offline Linux Fundamentals Yusuf Yıldız & Sevde Gül Türk
03.10.2022 Offline OWASP Tanıtımı & Deep/Dark Web Dünyası Furkan Öztürk & Resul Bozburun
12.05.2022 Offline Siber Güvenlik 101 Resul Bozburun
16.04.2022 Online OWASP ile Sahura Doğru Siber Kariyer Sohbetleri: Cyber Threat Intelligence Furkan Öztürk & Yusuf Can Çakır
09.04.2022 Online OWASP ile Sahura Doğru Siber Kariyer Sohbetleri: Security Operations Center Batuhan Kağanoğlu
31.03.2022 Offline OSINT: Open Source Intelligence Hacker Tarzı Stalk Sevde Gül Türk & Yakuphan Devrez
08.03.2022 Offline Adli Bilişim: Tarayıcılar Üzerinde Adli İnceleme Furkan Öztürk
08.12.2021 Offline Github 101 Halil İbrahim Ceylan
29.11.2021 Offline Siber Güvenlik Sektöründe Kariyer Yapmak Rümeysa Bozdemir
08.11.2021 Offline OWASP Mugla University Tanıtımı & Linux 101 Resul Bozburun


OWASP Mugla University’s next public meetings

OWASP Mugla University Team


Core Team Members

Team Members

OWASP Mugla University Past Team Members

2023- 2024 Team Members

2022-2023 Team Members