OWASP Ruhrpott


Welcome to the OWASP Ruhrpott Chapter, part of the OWASP Germany network. Our chapter brings together cybersecurity professionals, application security enthusiasts, and industry experts to exchange insights, collaborate, and stay ahead in the fast-paced world of security.

No matter your background—whether you’re an experienced security expert, a developer, a consultant, or just starting to explore software and application security — our community provides a space for learning and connection. Through diverse events and initiatives, we aim to cultivate an open and engaging environment where members can share knowledge, build networks, and develop their skills.


We are running regular Chapter meetings every 2-3 months, mostly in-person at different venues in the Ruhrpott area.

All individuals with an interest and enthusiasm for cyber security are warmly welcome. Our meetings are free and open to all, regardless of OWASP membership status. All our resources are accessible under free and open software licenses.

Feel free to refer colleagues or acquaintances to our website or individual meetings. We encourage sharing our resources to expand awareness and engagement within the community.

Upcoming events

Stay informed about our events by joining the OWASP Ruhrpott Meetup Group or visiting our Upcoming Events page.


Come along for an evening of good food, drinks, and great conversations while getting to know more about OWASP.

Our events often include a guest speaker who delves into various topics such as information security, cloud security, AI/ML security, and software security as a whole.
Before and after the talks, attendees have plenty of time to connect, exchange ideas, and network.

Past events

You can access slides from past presentations at our chapter meetings and Stammtisch events at Past Events.

Interested in speaking at our events?

We welcome speakers of all levels! You don’t need to be a talk pro or seasoned professional to present at one of our events. However, we do request that your talk be relevant to a security domain and offer value to attendees. To become a speaker, please review the OWASP Speaker Agreement and then reach out to our chapter leads with details of your presentation.

Please note that vendor pitches are not allowed, so please adhere to the OWASP Speaker Agreement and avoid marketing stunts. Also please ensure to remove your company logos from all but one “marketing” slide.

Ruhrpott Chapter

The OWASP Ruhrpott Stammtisch was formed in 2015 by Christian Becker, Sven Schlüter and Tim Günther. In 2025 the Stammtisch became an official OWASP Chapter.


The Open Worldwide Application Security Project (OWASP) is a nonprofit foundation that works to improve the security of software. All of our projects, tools, documents, forums, and chapters are free and open to anyone interested in improving application security.

Chapters are led by local leaders in accordance with the Chapters Policy. Financial contributions should only be made online using the authorized online donation button.

Everyone is welcome and encouraged to participate in our Projects, Local Chapters, Events, Online Groups, and Community Slack Channel. We especially encourage diversity in all our initiatives. OWASP is a fantastic place to learn about application security, to network, and even to build your reputation as an expert. We also encourage you to be become a member or consider a donation to support our ongoing work.

Next Meeting/Event

Next Events

OWASP Ruhrpott Chapter upcoming events can be found on Meetup: OWASP Ruhrpott Chapter Meetup

Call for Venues

We are looking for upcoming venues to host our OWASP Ruhrpott Chapter, preferably in a central location which can host around 20 - 50 attendees.

Call for Speakers

We are always looking for presentations for the OWASP Ruhrpott Chapter Events! If you’d like to give a presentation, conduct a training workshop or volunteer for us, contact us the OWASP Ruhrpott Chapter organisation.

Previous Events

An overview of our past Ruhrpott & Stammtisch events starting in 2015 - present.

Time Location Title Speaker
28.01.2020 - 17:30 Fritzpatrick’s Irish Pub Stammtisch / Netzwerkabend -
25.11.2019 - 18:30 Chaospott Windows Breakout bka
28.10.2019 - 18:30 Fritzpatrick’s Irish Pub Stammtisch / Netzwerkabend -
21.10.2019 - 18:30 Chaospott Linux Privilege Escalation dhn
26.08.2019 - 18:30 Fritzpatrick’s Irish Pub Stammtisch / Netzwerkabend -
29.07.2019 - 18:30 Chaospott Einführung SQLInjections und sqlmap Özkan Perk
27.05.2019 - 18:30 Chaospott ManInTheMiddle von HTTP(S) und Binären Protokollen Tim
29.04.2019 - 18:30 Fritzpatrick’s Irish Pub Stammtisch / Netzwerkabend -
18.03.2019 - 18:30 Chaospott Einführung in NMAP Michael
28.01.2019 - 18:30 Chaospott Einführung in Wireshark 414C504F
05.11.2018   OAuth Security - Jim Manico
30.07.2018   Einführung ins Thema Social Engineering Matteo
25.06.2018   Einführung in Android Hacking mit Frida Tim Guenther
27.03.2018   Testumgebung: Kommunikationsstandards im Gesundheitswesen - Part II Stephan Plarre
29.01.2018   Planungstreffen -
12.12.2017   Jahresabschlusstreffen des Ruhrpottler Stammtisch -
14.11.2017   German OWASP Day 2017 in Essen Christian Becker
28.08.2017   Testumgebung: Kommunikationsstandards im Gesundheitswesen Stephan Plarre
24.07.2017   Kommunikationsstandards im Gesundheitswesen Stephan Plarre
26.06.2017   Sommerpause -
29.05.2017   Einführung in Scapy Bastian Kanbach
25.04.2017   Irish Easter -
28.03.2017   Android App Pentest Workshop 103 Christian, Tim
07.03.2017   Android App Pentest Workshop 102 Christian, Tim
31.01.2017   Android App Pentest Workshop 101 Christian, Tim
12.12.2016   Jahresabschlusstreffen des Ruhrpottler Stammtisch -
29.11.2016   German OWASP Day 2016 in Darmstadt -
25.10.2016   Hacking Paypal - Daniel Hirschberger
27.09.2016   OWASP Projekte und CTF Challenges Christian Becker
30.08.2016   Workshop - Burp 103 – Burp Development Tim Guenther
26.07.2016   Workshop - Burp Session Handling Thomas Patzke
28.06.2016   Stammtisch im GrugaPark -
01.06.2016   “Workshop - Burp 101” Tim Guenther
03.05.2016   “Unsere Sicherheit wird auch in der Entwicklungsumgebung verteidigt” Hendrik Spiegel
29.03.2016   Irish Easter -
01.03.2016   “Modern penetration testing” Sven Schlüter
26.01.2016   “Android Malware” Tilman Bender
10.12.2015   Jahresabschlusstreffen des Ruhrpottler Stammtisch -
24.11.2015   “Analysis of encrypted Databases with CryptDB” Michael Skiba
29.09.2015   “EsPReSSO” - Single Sign On Vortrag Tim Guenther
25.08.2015   Stammtisch im GrugaPark -
28.07.2015   CTF Challenges Christian, Sven, Tim
30.06.2015   PHP-Encoder Dario Weißer
26.05.2015   “RFID/NFC in a Webapp-World” Christian Becker
28.04.2015   “Shadow Daemon” - WAF Talk Hendrik Buchwald
24.03.2015   Stammtisch HandsOn Workshop WebApp Christian
26.02.2015   Stammtisch Besprechung/Definition Christian, Sven, Tim