OWASP Sofia Chapter
Добре дошли
Ние сме отдадена общност от ентусиасти, професионалисти и експерти в областта на киберсигурността, посветени на подобряването на сигурността на софтуера и технологиите. Като част от глобалната OWASP Foundation, нашата мисия е да популяризираме най-добрите практики в софтуерната сигурност, да насърчаваме сътрудничеството и да помагаме индивидите и организациите да се защитават срещу кибер заплахи.
Присъединете се към нас в нашите усилия да направим дигиталния свят по-сигурен чрез образование, осведоменост и иновативни решения за сигурност.
We are a dedicated community of cybersecurity enthusiasts, professionals, and experts committed to improving the security of software and technology. As part of the global OWASP Foundation, our mission is to promote best practices in software security, foster collaboration, and empower individuals and organizations to defend against cyber threats.
Join us in our efforts to make the digital world safer through education, awareness, and innovative security solutions. Whether you’re a seasoned expert or just beginning your journey, there’s a place for you in our community.
If you want to do a talk or sponsor us, feel free to reach out. All realative information can be found in the about page.
If you want to visit our meetups, you can check them out below.
Next Event
Propose a talk
We’re always open for new speakers that would like to share their knowledge and experience about Web Application Security. Please use our Sessionize page to submit your talk.
| “OS Command Injection via CRLF Injection in SNMP Services” | Peter Djalaliev31.01.2025
| “Active Directory Exploitation” | Lyuben Petrov31.01.2025
| “Authentication Gone Bad - Penetration Testing Techniques for Chaining Vulnerabilities” | Milcho Hekimov
| “OWASP Top 10 attacks & defenses” | Nikolay Dimitrov13.12.2024
| “How did I end up in your car” | Zdravko Zdravkov18.10.2024
| “Is a Data strategy needed?” | Svetlana Videnova18.10.2024
| “API Security in the age of AI” | Evgeni Dyulgerov
We’re one of the youngest chapters. Since we’re the first in Bulgaria, we expect to grow quickly.
💬 Want to chat?
We have a pretty active Discord server with a lot of dedicated members who share information and help each other.
You can find us there. Come, let’s chat.
🏢 Want to help out with an event?
You have a venue, where we can host one of our community events?
You want to be part of the cybersecurity community and contribute?
Feel free to contact us using the links to the right ➡️
💰 Sponsor us?
You can help us out with covering costs for our events or travel and accomodation costs for non-local speaker.
Please contact us using the links to the right ➡️
🎤 Want to do a talk?
You have a cool topic and you want to share your experience with our commnity?
Again, contact us using the links to the right ➡️
Or you can directly submit a session here.
2019 - 2022
We extend our heartfelt gratitude to the previous leaders of the OWASP Sofia Chapter who guided our community from 2019 to 2022. Their dedication and hard work laid a strong foundation for our ongoing efforts to enhance cybersecurity awareness and education in Bulgaria.
Past leadership
Past logo
The background is a traditional Bulgarian embroidery called Шевица or more concretely Елбетица.
Symbolizes harmony. The two crosses depict the four cardinal directions and their combinations (N, S, E, W, NW, NE, SW, SE) that meet in a “strong” center. The second meaning is that the cross depicts the four weather seasons common in Bulgaria.
Sofia chapter logo designed by Desi.
Past events
| “Why hackers love Javascript?” | Martin Stoynov
| “AppSec Fast and Slow: Your DevSecOps CI/CD Pipeline Isn’t an SSA Program” | Dan Cornell21.07.2021
| Understanding AWS cloud attacks using CloudGoat | Kavisha Sheth21.07.2021
| Learn Android application security testing using AndroGoat | Satish Patnayak27.04.2021
| XSS Attacks and Defenses | Dimitar Boyanov27.03.2021
| Compromising Modern Online Banking Apps through Hijacking Android Devices | Dr. Svetlin Nakov