OWASP 2021 Global Board Elections

Board Member Seats

The following individuals’ Board Member Seats will expire on December 31, 2021.

  • Sherif Mansour
  • Owen Pendlebury
  • Grant Ongers
  • Vandana Verma

General Election Information

For general election information, including eligibility requirements, who can vote and how to vote, along with other frequently asked questions, please visit:

Call For Candidates

Members who have been in good standing for more than 12 months can stand for the Board. To apply, there are two methods:

  1. OWASP Members have been emailed an email with the details of how to apply. Search for the following. The link to apply is within the email:

in:all "Elections - Call for Candidates and Interview Questions Reminder"

  1. Click the “Apply for the OWASP Global Board” link in the OWASP Member Portal.

Election Timeline

  • 08-15-2021 - Call for Candidates
  • 08-15-2021 - Submission for Questions from the community for the candidate interviews
  • 08-22-2021 - Email Reminder for Call for Candidates and Questions from the community for the candidate interviews
  • 08-29-2021 - Email Reminder for Call for Candidates and Questions from the community for the candidate interviews
  • 08-31-2020 - Call for Candidates and Questions from the community for the candidate interviews closes

  • 09-01-2021 - Verification of Candidates
  • 09-01-2021 - Email Reminder regarding Membership is required to vote
  • 09-10-2021 - Candidates announced via email and social media
  • 09-15-2021 - The top (6-7) questions from the community will be selected and shared with candidates
  • 09-15-2021 - Email Reminder regarding Membership is a required to vote
  • 09-25-2021 - Email Reminder regarding Membership is a required to vote
  • 09-25-2021 - Reminder to Candidate to post their videos
  • 09-30-2021 - Candidates deadline to post their videos
  • 09-30-2021 - Membership deadline

  • 10-01-2021 - Recordings to be posted on website
  • 10-01-2021 - Email and social media notifying the community that the recordings are posted
  • 10-15-2021 - Voting opens
  • 10-22-2021 - Email reminder for voting
  • 10-28-2021 - Email reminder for voting
  • 10-30-2021 - Voting closes
  • 10-31-2021 - Results shared with all candidates
  • 11-01-2021 - Results shared via email and social media
  • 12-31-2021 - All Director-elects must be paid members before they can take their seat
  • 01-01-2022 - Any Director-elect who is not a paid member by this date has not qualified to be a Director under our bylaws, and has 7 days grace to obtain paid membership
  • 08-01-2022 - Any Director-elect who still has not obtained paid membership after the grace period, has not qualified to be a Director. The next most voted candidate will take their place

Directors are solely responsible for maintaining good standing as a paid member throughout their term, or a vote of confidence will be held by the Board. This has happened several times in the past. We strongly urge Director-elects to take out sufficient membership to cover their entire term to avoid issues with standing. Adding a two year membership to your current membership or changing to a Lifetime membership is the ideal way to avoid this issue entirely.

Board Initial Submissions

Listed in order of nomination date. Four seats are open for this election.

  • Milind Thombre
  • Vandana Verma Sehgal
  • Grant Ongers
  • Avi Douglen
  • Louis Griffith
  • Teuta Hsene
  • Glenn ten Cate
  • Jon McCoy
  • Diop Baka
  • Tomasz Janczewski
  • Walter Martin Villalba (withdrew candidancy)
  • Mike McCamon (withdrew candidancy)

Candidates Page

Board Election Results

Name Votes
Vandana Verma Sehgal 760 (25.4%)
Grant Ongers 682 (22.7%)
Avi Douglen 585 (19.5%)
Glenn ten Cate 583 (19.4%)
Louis Griffith 388 (12.9%)
Total 1019
Abstain 9 (0.9%)

Confirmed Nominations (4 seats) - their term will start on January 1, 2022

  • Vandana Verma Sehgal
  • Grant Ongers
  • Avi Douglen
  • Glenn ten Cate