OWASP Italy March 2024 Meetup

The OWASP Italy March 2024 Meetup was a virtual event on March 8th, 2024. This was a free, informal event, aimed at increasing awareness and knowledge of web application security. The event was primarily intended to appeal to security professionals, software developers, software quality engineers, and computer science students with a strong interest in computer security. The goal of the event was to stimulate interest in web application security, secure software engineering practices and foster new initiatives within organizations.


We are delighted to announce a strong program featuring 3 distinguished experts in the field of cybersecurity:

Time Speakers Title
16.00 - 16.15 Davide Ariu, Matteo Meucci Welcome and opening by the OWASP Italy chairs
16.15 - 17.00 Tommaso Innocenti OAuth 2.0 Redirect URI Validation Falls Short,Literally
17.00 - 17.45 Luca Demetrio, Andrea Valenza Automatically Test (and Sometimes Bypass) Web Application Firewalls


Tommaso Innocenti

Luca Demetrio and Andrea Valenza


The event is free but you need to register here: OWASP Italy Meetup. We encourage participants to subscribe to the meetup to be informed about future events organized by the chapter.


Tommaso Innocenti- Ph.D. student working as a Secure Systems Lab (SecLab) member at Northeastern University.

Talk: OAuth 2.0 Redirect URI Validation Falls Short, Literally

Abstract: OAuth 2.0 requires a complex redirection trail between websites and Identity Providers (IdPs). In particular, the “redirect URI” parameter included in the popular Authorization Grant Code flow governs the callback endpoint to which users are routed, together with their security tokens. In this talk, I will present recent attack trends in conjunction with the research trends to identify the source of the problem that allowed us to generate our hypothesis. Based on this observation, I will present novel attack techniques and the experiment that allowed us to verify that the OAuth 2.0 security guidance is under-specified empirically. Finally, I will explain end-to-end attack scenarios that combine our attack techniques with common web application vulnerabilities, ultimately resulting in a complete compromise of the secure delegated access that OAuth 2.0 promises.

Luca Demetrio - Ph.D, Assistant Professor at the University of Genoa, Andrea Valenza - Ph.D, Application Security Engineer at Prima Assicurazioni

Talk: “Automatically Test (and Sometimes Bypass) Web Application Firewalls” Abstract Web Application Firewalls (WAFs) are hugely popular since they block (most) attacks with low maintenance effort. However, testing their effectiveness can be challenging, often involving a trade-off between the speed of automatic testing and the precision of manual testing. In this talk, we will show you an alternative approach that connects both worlds, by automatically testing a WAF with tools capable of creating new payloads on the fly, based on the responses of the WAF itself. We will showcase WAF-A-MoLE, a tool customized to create evasive SQL injections via guided mutation fuzzing, both against ModSecurity and Next Generation WAFs using machine learning at their core.


  • Matteo Meucci, OWASP Italy Chair & IMQ Minded Security
  • Davide Ariu, OWASP Italy Chair & Pluribus One

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