OWASP Operating Plan 2022 - Events



  • 2 Global AppSecs (Dublin, San Francisco)
  • Fewer, larger, and more profitable virtual training and other events
  • Support up to 4 new major AppSec Days regional events all over the world

Program Deliverables

Formalize and document the running of AppSec Global events, improving Events in a Box

The draft Events in a Box was given to the OWASP community in 2021. During the pandemic, it was discovered how much institutional knowledge has been lost in various staff transitions. We need to modernize and rebuild our institutional knowledge with a thorough revamp of the Events in a Box, covering small local, medium sized AppSec Days regional events, and of course, Global AppSec events.

As the OWASP Foundation is now fully responsible for the operational delivery of AppSec Global, a new relationship with the community needs to occur, with a call for volunteers from all over the world. This will lead to the ability to host a third AppSec Global at some point in the future, probably in 2023 or 2024 as the world recovers from the pandemic. In the meantime, we need to document and improve our processes to ensure that we can easily host even the largest events.

Improve Event and Event Sponsor Customer Experience

Involving all key stakeholders - organizers, community members, attendees, event sponsors, and more - we will be kicking off a program to determine how we can improve the OWASP event experience for AppSec and AppSec Days regional events. Everything will be on the table, from call for participation, event registration and other systems, attending virtual and physical events, and more.

The key objective of this program deliverable is to optimize, modernize, and reduce the friction in hosting, attending, and supporting OWASP events, eliminating (or reducing) any painful or unnecessary activities, and ensuring that all events are impactful and profitable. It should cover post event

New Event Management System

Develop new AppSec Global EU Proposals with the community

In the past, the EU community submitted multiple proposals to host AppSec Global events around the European Union. In 2022, we will be working with the community to come up with a revitalized process to ensure and then perform a call for 2023 and 2024 Global AppSec’s to be held within the 26 EU member states.


Events are a major source of funding for OWASP. We continue to grow all other aspects of OWASP to ensure that the loss of any one or more events does not harm OWASP’s financial security. That said, Events are a major source of income and a way for our corporate supporters to connect with OWASP’s unique audience.