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Testing for Buffer Overflow
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The OWASP® Foundation works to improve the security of software through its community-led open source software projects,
hundreds of chapters worldwide, tens of thousands of members, and by hosting local and global conferences.
WSTG Contents
- 0. Foreword by Eoin Keary
- 1. Frontispiece
- 2. Introduction
- 2.1 The OWASP Testing Project
- 2.2 Principles of Testing
- 2.3 Testing Techniques Explained
- 2.4 Manual Inspections and Reviews
- 2.5 Threat Modeling
- 2.6 Source Code Review
- 2.7 Penetration Testing
- 2.8 The Need for a Balanced Approach
- 2.9 Deriving Security Test Requirements
- 2.10 Security Tests Integrated in Development and Testing Workflows
- 2.11 Security Test Data Analysis and Reporting
- 3. The OWASP Testing Framework
- 3.1 The Web Security Testing Framework
- 3.2 Phase 1 Before Development Begins
- 3.3 Phase 2 During Definition and Design
- 3.4 Phase 3 During Development
- 3.5 Phase 4 During Deployment
- 3.6 Phase 5 During Maintenance and Operations
- 3.7 A Typical SDLC Testing Workflow
- 3.8 Penetration Testing Methodologies
- 4. Web Application Security Testing
- 4.0 Introduction and Objectives
- 4.1 Information Gathering
- 4.1.1 Conduct Search Engine Discovery Reconnaissance for Information Leakage
- 4.1.2 Fingerprint Web Server
- 4.1.3 Review Webserver Metafiles for Information Leakage
- 4.1.4 Enumerate Applications on Webserver
- 4.1.5 Review Web Page Content for Information Leakage
- 4.1.6 Identify Application Entry Points
- 4.1.7 Map Execution Paths Through Application
- 4.1.8 Fingerprint Web Application Framework
- 4.1.9 Fingerprint Web Application
- 4.1.10 Map Application Architecture
- 4.2 Configuration and Deployment Management Testing
- 4.2.1 Test Network Infrastructure Configuration
- 4.2.2 Test Application Platform Configuration
- 4.2.3 Test File Extensions Handling for Sensitive Information
- 4.2.4 Review Old Backup and Unreferenced Files for Sensitive Information
- 4.2.5 Enumerate Infrastructure and Application Admin Interfaces
- 4.2.6 Test HTTP Methods
- 4.2.7 Test HTTP Strict Transport Security
- 4.2.8 Test RIA Cross Domain Policy
- 4.2.9 Test File Permission
- 4.2.10 Test for Subdomain Takeover
- 4.2.11 Test Cloud Storage
- 4.2.12 Test for Content Security Policy
- 4.2.13 Test for Path Confusion
- 4.3 Identity Management Testing
- 4.3.1 Test Role Definitions
- 4.3.2 Test User Registration Process
- 4.3.3 Test Account Provisioning Process
- 4.3.4 Testing for Account Enumeration and Guessable User Account
- 4.3.5 Testing for Weak or Unenforced Username Policy
- 4.4 Authentication Testing
- 4.4.1 Testing for Credentials Transported over an Encrypted Channel
- 4.4.2 Testing for Default Credentials
- 4.4.3 Testing for Weak Lock Out Mechanism
- 4.4.4 Testing for Bypassing Authentication Schema
- 4.4.5 Testing for Vulnerable Remember Password
- 4.4.6 Testing for Browser Cache Weaknesses
- 4.4.7 Testing for Weak Authentication Methods
- 4.4.8 Testing for Weak Security Question Answer
- 4.4.9 Testing for Weak Password Change or Reset Functionalities
- 4.4.10 Testing for Weaker Authentication in Alternative Channel
- 4.4.11 Testing Multi-Factor Authentication
- 4.5 Authorization Testing
- 4.5.1 Testing Directory Traversal File Include
- 4.5.2 Testing for Bypassing Authorization Schema
- 4.5.3 Testing for Privilege Escalation
- 4.5.4 Testing for Insecure Direct Object References
- 4.5.5 Testing for OAuth Weaknesses
- Testing for OAuth Authorization Server Weaknesses
- Testing for OAuth Client Weaknesses
- 4.6 Session Management Testing
- 4.6.1 Testing for Session Management Schema
- 4.6.2 Testing for Cookies Attributes
- 4.6.3 Testing for Session Fixation
- 4.6.4 Testing for Exposed Session Variables
- 4.6.5 Testing for Cross Site Request Forgery
- 4.6.6 Testing for Logout Functionality
- 4.6.7 Testing Session Timeout
- 4.6.8 Testing for Session Puzzling
- 4.6.9 Testing for Session Hijacking
- 4.6.10 Testing JSON Web Tokens
- 4.6.11 Testing for Concurrent Sessions
- 4.7 Input Validation Testing
- 4.7.1 Testing for Reflected Cross Site Scripting
- 4.7.2 Testing for Stored Cross Site Scripting
- 4.7.3 Testing for HTTP Verb Tampering
- 4.7.4 Testing for HTTP Parameter Pollution
- 4.7.5 Testing for SQL Injection
- Testing for Oracle
- Testing for MySQL
- Testing for SQL Server
- Testing PostgreSQL
- Testing for MS Access
- Testing for NoSQL Injection
- Testing for ORM Injection
- Testing for Client-side
- 4.7.6 Testing for LDAP Injection
- 4.7.7 Testing for XML Injection
- 4.7.8 Testing for SSI Injection
- 4.7.9 Testing for XPath Injection
- 4.7.10 Testing for IMAP SMTP Injection
- 4.7.11 Testing for Code Injection
- Testing for File Inclusion
- 4.7.12 Testing for Command Injection
- 4.7.13 Testing for Format String Injection
- 4.7.14 Testing for Incubated Vulnerability
- 4.7.15 Testing for HTTP Splitting Smuggling
- 4.7.16 Testing for HTTP Incoming Requests
- 4.7.17 Testing for Host Header Injection
- 4.7.18 Testing for Server-side Template Injection
- 4.7.19 Testing for Server-Side Request Forgery
- 4.7.20 Testing for Mass Assignment
- 4.8 Testing for Error Handling
- 4.8.1 Testing for Improper Error Handling
- 4.8.2 Testing for Stack Traces
- 4.9 Testing for Weak Cryptography
- 4.9.1 Testing for Weak Transport Layer Security
- 4.9.2 Testing for Padding Oracle
- 4.9.3 Testing for Sensitive Information Sent via Unencrypted Channels
- 4.9.4 Testing for Weak Encryption
- 4.10 Business Logic Testing
- 4.10.0 Introduction to Business Logic
- 4.10.1 Test Business Logic Data Validation
- 4.10.2 Test Ability to Forge Requests
- 4.10.3 Test Integrity Checks
- 4.10.4 Test for Process Timing
- 4.10.5 Test Number of Times a Function Can Be Used Limits
- 4.10.6 Testing for the Circumvention of Work Flows
- 4.10.7 Test Defenses Against Application Misuse
- 4.10.8 Test Upload of Unexpected File Types
- 4.10.9 Test Upload of Malicious Files
- 4.10.10 Test Payment Functionality
- 4.11 Client-side Testing
- 4.11.1 Testing for DOM-Based Cross Site Scripting
- Testing for Self DOM Based Cross-Site Scripting
- 4.11.2 Testing for JavaScript Execution
- 4.11.3 Testing for HTML Injection
- 4.11.4 Testing for Client-side URL Redirect
- 4.11.5 Testing for CSS Injection
- 4.11.6 Testing for Client-side Resource Manipulation
- 4.11.7 Testing Cross Origin Resource Sharing
- 4.11.8 Testing for Cross Site Flashing
- 4.11.9 Testing for Clickjacking
- 4.11.10 Testing WebSockets
- 4.11.11 Testing Web Messaging
- 4.11.12 Testing Browser Storage
- 4.11.13 Testing for Cross Site Script Inclusion
- 4.11.14 Testing for Reverse Tabnabbing
- 4.12 API Testing
- 4.12.0 API Testing Overview
- 4.12.1 API Reconnaissance
- 4.12.99 Testing GraphQL
- 5. Reporting
- 5.1 Reporting Structure
- 5.2 Naming Schemes
- Appendix A. Testing Tools Resource
- Appendix B. Suggested Reading
- Appendix C. Fuzzing
- Appendix D. Encoded Injection
- Appendix E. History
- Appendix F. Leveraging Dev Tools