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At OWASP Beja, we believe that knowledge sharing and collaboration are key to create and spread security awareness. Our chapter is a platform where individuals can come together to exchange ideas, learn from experts, and contribute to the security landscape. Whether you are an experienced professional, a student eager to learn, or someone passionate about cybersecurity, then this is the right place for you!

Next Meeting/Event


The Open Worldwide Application Security Project (OWASP) is a nonprofit foundation that works to improve the security of software. All of its projects, tools, documents, forums, and chapters are free and open to anyone interested in improving application security.

Chapters are led by local leaders in accordance with the Chapters Policy. Financial contributions should only be made online using the authorized online donation button.

Everyone is welcome and encouraged to participate in OWASP Projects, Local Chapters, Events, Online Groups, and Community Slack Channel. OWASP encourages diversity in all its initiatives. OWASP is a fantastic place to learn about application security, to network, and even to build your reputation as an expert. We also encourage you to be become a member or consider a donation to support our ongoing work.

Speaking at OWASP Beja Chapter Events

By presenting at our events, you have the opportunity to inspire others, expand your professional network, and contribute to the growth of the cybersecurity community. The call for speakers is always open, so seize the chance to make a lasting impact and help shape the future of application security. Check the OWASP Speaker Agreement and submit your presentation today!

Past Events

Seize the chance to make a lasting impact and help shape the future of application security: check out how to speak at OWASP Beja.

Mar 21st, 2025 - 0x02 Break It Till You Make It

Sponsored by Dashlane

May 23rd, 2024 - 0x01 Securing the Web

Sponsored by Checkmarx

Nov 8th, 2023 - 0x00 Kickoff