Threat Dragon version 2.0

CI pipeline

GitHub Actions

GitHub Actions are used to test, build and deploy Threat Dragon. These actions live in the .github/workflows directory.

CI Action

The CI Action is Threat Dragon’s continuous integration pipeline. This pipeline is run on all branches and serves as a sanity check. When a pull request is opened, each step of this pipeline is added as a check to the pull request. This gives the author and reviewers an opportunity to understand the state of the code.

Because this action uses a docker image that is pushed to a remote repository for testing, there is a concurrency group that prevents concurrent runs of the same action.


BrowserStack offers its services for free to open-source projects, and has graciously provided Threat Dragon with their services. BrowserStack provides automated, cross-browser testing for web and mobile applications.

Because cross browser testing has diminishing returns, it is only run against the latest deployed version (from main) once per day.


The house-keeping workflow runs a nightly workflow, and will:

  • delete stale actions
  • check links across the documentation
  • run Trivy container scans to identify unpatched vulnerabilities in the docker image
  • run the CodeQL is a static analysis scanner provided by GitHub


The deploy action is run on any “push” to the main branch (this includes merged pull requests), and serves as Threat Dragon’s continuous delivery pipeline.

  • Build: This workflow builds and pushes the Docker image with the latest tag. The latest tag is not consider stable, and may be broken at times. While we do our best to maintain a fully functioning main branch, mistakes will happen. Additionally, the full end to end test suite is only run once per day, so errors may not be immediately available.
  • Deploy: The latest image is deployed to
  • Smokes: Smoke tests are run against the deployed image to ensure the deployment succeeded.
  • Rollback: If the smokes fail, the deployment is rolled back.

Release desktop and docker

This action is performed when a tag is created with a v2.x.x format. It will perform all tests and then build and publish the install images and the Docker image.