OWASP Threat Dragon version 2.4

Install Web Application

Threat Dragon comes in two variants, a desktop application and a web application.

Web application installation

The web application can be run locally or from a server. Consider who will be able to access the web application and also the security of the platform; the web application can be used to access various repositories which may need to be protected.


Threat Dragon is a node.js single page application using Vue on the client and Express on the server. To build and run locally follow these steps:

Install node.js, which includes the node package manager npm, and also install git.

Obtain the code from the latest releases area in the form of either a .zip file or a .tar.gz file.

Extract the source tree for Threat Dragon from the archive file and install the application dependencies using npm (or pnpm if that is installed) :

npm install

Environment variables

The Threat Dragon web application requires some environment variables to be in place. According to what variables are defined, access is provided to repository types:

  • GitHub
  • Bitbucket
  • GitLab
  • Github Enterprise

and also the client’s local file system.

See the environment page for details on configuring your environment variables.

Running the application

Once your environment variables are set up, if running on Linux or MacOS start the node web server with :

npm start

When running on Windows the front-end and back-end are started separately using commands: npm run dev:server and npm run dev:vue.

Browse to http://localhost:8080 to ensure that the Threat Dragon application is available within the browser as a single page application.

Building latest web application

As an alternative to using a released version of the the Threat Dragon web application, git can be used to clone the latest version of the source code

git init
git clone https://github.com/owasp/threat-dragon.git
cd threat-dragon

The source tree contains two main sub-folders: one for the main application (td.site) and one for the server (td.server). Install dependencies, configure and run the web application as above.

Threat Dragon: making threat modeling less threatening