OWASP Threat Dragon version 2.4


Provider Types

Threat Dragon supports multiple provider types, and supports the concept of deep linking. Each provider “type” can have multiple providers, and they fall under the same category as far as deep linking is concerned.

Any word with a preceding colon (:) is a variable. Substitute the variables where appropriate, variables need to be URLEncoded.

Application Programming Interface (API)

At present it there is a minimal API for Threat Dragon . This API is used to access threat models stored by repository providers such as github, bitbucket or gitlab and on Google Drives.

APIs protected by authorisation, including threat model Create, Read, Update (but no Delete):

Path Action Description
/api/logout POST Logout from provider when already authorised
/api/token/refresh POST Refresh the access token
/api/googleproviderthreatmodel/folders GET List folders in the Google Drive
/api/googleproviderthreatmodel/:folder/create POST Create folder in the Google Drive
/api/googleproviderthreatmodel/:file/update PUT Update file in the Google Drive
/api/googleproviderthreatmodel/:file/data GET Read contents of a file in the Google Drive
/api/threatmodel/repos GET List repositories for the authorised user
/api/threatmodel/:organisation/:repo/branches GET List branches for a given repository
/api/threatmodel/:organisation/:repo/:branch/models GET List models for a given branch and repository
/api/threatmodel/:organisation/:repo/:branch/:model/data GET Reads the threat model contents for a given model
/api/threatmodel/:organisation/:repo/:branch/:model/create PUT Create a new model in the branch and repository
/api/threatmodel/:organisation/:repo/:branch/:model/update PUT Update a model in the branch and repository
/api/threatmodel/:organisation/:repo/:branch/createBranch POST Create a new branch in the repository

APIs with no authorisation:

Path Action Description
/ GET Provides the Threat Dragon Single Page Application
/healthz GET Health check that provides server statistics such as uptime
/api/login/:provider GET Login to a repository provider
/api/logout GET Logout that will always succeed
/api/oauth/return GET OAuth return request
/api/oauth/:provider GET Provides access and refresh tokens if authorised
/api/config GET Provides the list of configured providers
/api/threatmodel/organization GET Provides repository provider hostname

Support for CI/CD pipelines is an enhancement for the future, and this API may then include:

  • project status
  • pdf report output
  • threat diagram provider (for embedding in other reports)
  • unmitigated threat list
  • mitigated threat list
  • statistics

Threat Dragon: making threat modeling less threatening