Threat Model Schema
The original version 1.x schema for Threat Dragon models conforms to JSON Schema.
There were some changes, mainly in the diagram component properties for version 2 Threat Dragon threat models, and so there is a different schema for these threat models - also conforming to JSON Schema.
Threat Dragon will check a threat model against the schema when it is loading and warn if there is a problem, but it will not stop the threat model from loading.
If there is doubt about a threat model then ajv (Another JSON Validator) can be run from the command line to provide details of any discrepancy:
sudo npm install -g ajv-cli
# if validating a version 1.x threat model
ajv validate -s ~/owasp.threat-dragon.schema.V1.json --all-errors --verbose \
-d ThreatDragonModels/demo-threat-model.json
# or if validating a version 2.x threat model
ajv validate --allow-union-types -s ~/owasp.threat-dragon.schema.V2.json --all-errors --verbose \
-d ThreatDragonModels/v2-threat-model.json
Threat Dragon: making threat modeling less threatening