OWASP Threat Dragon version 2.4


Threat Model Schema

The original version 1.x schema for Threat Dragon models conforms to JSON Schema.

There were some changes, mainly in the diagram component properties for version 2 Threat Dragon threat models, and so there is a different schema for these threat models - also conforming to JSON Schema.

Threat Dragon will check a threat model against the schema when it is loading and warn if there is a problem, but it will not stop the threat model from loading.

If there is doubt about a threat model then ajv (Another JSON Validator) can be run from the command line to provide details of any discrepancy:

sudo npm install -g ajv-cli
# if validating a version 1.x threat model
ajv validate -s ~/owasp.threat-dragon.schema.V1.json  --all-errors  --verbose \
    -d ThreatDragonModels/demo-threat-model.json
# or if validating a version 2.x threat model
ajv validate --allow-union-types -s ~/owasp.threat-dragon.schema.V2.json  --all-errors  --verbose \
    -d ThreatDragonModels/v2-threat-model.json

Threat Dragon: making threat modeling less threatening