OWASP Threat Dragon version 2.4

Configure GitLab access

Threat Dragon can be run as a web application and if GitLab repository access is required then some configuration is needed for the necessary environment variables. The GitLab specific environment variables are listed at the end of this page, other variables are described in the installation instructions.

GitLab repository access

Most of steps are the same as the GitHub configuration but there are some parts that are different:

  1. Web App GitLab Access
  2. Environment variables

1. Web App GitLab Access

It is recommended to follow the gitlab official guide to set up the OAuth Application.

The recommended configuration is similar to below:

  • Redirect URI: {BaseURL of your Threat Dragon Instance}/api/oauth/return
  • Scopes: Check read_user read_repository write_repository profile read_api api

Other options like Trusted are according to personal preference.

From the OAuth Application you will get Application ID and Application Secret, which are used for the environment variables below.

2. Environment variables

The Application ID obtained from the Gitlab OAuth Application is used for GITLAB_CLIENT_ID, and the Application Secret used for GITLAB_CLIENT_SECRET.

The GITLAB_REDIRECT_URI environment variable follows the pattern {BaseURL of your Threat Dragon Instance}/api/oauth/return, for example <URL of Threat Dragon app>/api/oauth/return

The GITLAB_SCOPE is set to the scope of permissions allowed for the Threat Dragon application, for example api provides maximum scope and read_user read_repository write_repository profile read_api provides a more restricted set of permissions.

The GITLAB_HOST is set to the base URL of the GitLab instance. If you’re using the official GitLab instance do not set this variable or set it to https://gitlab.com/.

An example set of environment variables to support GitLab access :

GITLAB_SCOPE=read_user read_repository write_repository profile read_api

Clearly these values shown here are not to be used for a real application, they are merely for illustrative purposes.

If Threat Dragon is successfully configured for GitLab access then the ‘Login with GitLab’ button is made visible.

GitLab button

Refer to the the GitHub configuration guide for a similar example of setting up Github step by step.

GitLab environment variables

GitLab specifics Description Default
GITLAB_CLIENT_ID The ‘Application ID’ provided by the Gitlab OAuth app used for authentication  
GITLAB_CLIENT_SECRET The ‘Application Secret’ generated by the Gitlab OAuth authentication app  
GITLAB_SCOPE The scope provided to the Gitlab OAuth app read_user read_repository
GITLAB_HOST The URL of Gitlab server, for example https://gitlab.com/  
GITLAB_REDIRECT_URI The redirect provided to the Gitlab OAuth app  
GITLAB_REPO_ROOT_DIRECTORY Optional path where saved models are stored in a Gitlab repo  

Threat Dragon: making threat modeling less threatening